terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2007

Violação dos Direitos humanos - um livro e uma relação não exaustiva

Human Rights : Human Wrongs/M.S. Gill.
New Delhi, Sarup and Sons,
2004, viii, 271 p., $54. ISBN 81-7625-502-5.

I. Human rights:

1. Socrates's dialectic (429 B.C.) foundations of the movement of human rights.

2. United Nations universal declaration of human rights (1948).

II. Crimes against humanity:

3. Genocide, aggression and enslavement of humanity.

4. Slaughter in Indian ocean by the Portuguese with fire and sword.

5. Jallianwalabagh Massacre--an unpardonable British colonial crime--April 13, 1919.

6. The Massacre in the Island of Mauritius.

7. Greed for rubber-- the cause of human rights violation in Malaysia.

8. Slaughter in Indonesia.

9. Blood bath for 'liquid gold' (OIL) in the middle east.

10. Massacre in the Yemen-1964.

11. Massacres in Lebanon-600 B.C. 1978 A.D.

12. Massacre in Manama (Maherin)--1965.

13. Mass Massacre in the republic of Tunesia 1978.

14. Setif and Guelma Massacre in Algeria--1945.

15. British Massacre in Nataal in 1906.

16. Apartheid and slaughter of students at Soweto in South Africa.

17. Massacres in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).

18. Murder of human rights by white racists in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).

19. Portuguese crimes in Mozambique.

20. Carnage at Pidjiguiti (Guinea-Bissan and Cape Verde).

21. Massacres in Angola.

22. Tragedy at Sao Tome and Principe.

23. Massacre in Ghana (Gold Coast).

24. Maji-Maji Massacre by German fascists in Tanzania.

25. Colonial Massacres in Namibia.

26. The tragedy in Nigeria.

27. Monstrous murders in Kenya.

28. French colonial Massacre in Bengui (Central African Republic).

29. French colonial Massacre in Djibouti.

30. Massacres of masses and plunder of wealth in Congo (Zaire).

31. Belgain bloodshed in Rwanda.

32. Fascist holocaust in Ethiopia.

33. Inhuman carnage in Madagascar.

34. Spanish Massacre in the temple in Gulf of Mexico.

35. Dreadful decimation of population in Jamaica.

36. Tragedy perpetrated in Grenada by colonialists.

37. Extermination of native population in Santa Lucia by French and British colonialists.

38. Saint Bartholomew's day Massacre of protestants by Catholic fundamentalists of Jesuit order on August 24, 1572.

39. Death camps of German fascists.

40. Horrific slaughter of peasants after the great Peasant War in Germany.

III. Human Rights Violations in American States:

41. West Europeans forcibly occupy the land of Red Indians.

42. Prominent Anti--slavery crusaders' fights against slavery and racial discrimination.

43. Racial discrimination persists in United States even today.

IV. International conflicts and human rights:

44. Gulf War in Iraq (2003).

45. Plunder of 'Liquid Gold' (DIL) by Anglo-American multinational companies starts.

46. Horrific destruction of human heritage.

V. Right to life, liberty and dignity:

47. Torture--criminal violation of human rights. 48. Plantation of landmines--worst violation of human rights.

49. Environmental pollution and human rights.

VI. Rights of women and children and crimes against them:

50. Women's movements for equality of rights.


"With the theme: "The right of life is a non-negotiable right to live with dignity, happiness and prosperity and not a mere right to exist in misery", the author has dedicated the book to the movement of human rights. Precisely and concisely, he recounts moving episodes of violation of human rights resulting in enslavement and genocide of millions of human beings, particularly, during the colonial period. The author has chronicled the various stages of struggle for human rights resulting in eventual universal declaration of human rights, ratified and enshrined by various countries in their respective constitutions.

With intensive research and extensive study he has devoted considerable part of the book to the various topics, particularly human rights and international conflicts, environmental pollution, degrading poverty in the 'Third World', women's movement for equality of rights, child labour, alarming decline in girl population, after the end of colonial era." (jacket)

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