terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009

Ferenc Kormendi


fĕˈrĕnts körˈmĕndē, 1900–1972, Hungarian novelist. His Escape to Life (1932) won the international novel competition of 1932. Among his translated novels are The Happy Generation (1934, tr. 1945) and That One Mistake (1938, tr. 1947).
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright© 2004, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.

"Ferenc Körmendi." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008. Encyclopedia.com. 15 Dec. 2009 <http://www.encyclopedia.com>.


journal articles on: KOrmendi Ferenc  - 1 result

...disapproved by the authorities (p. 216)." 34 Taylor continues with a repetition of Hauptmanns alleged remark to Ferenc Kormendi of 1938, recorded in Die Welt ( 10 Nov. 1962 ), that he had not left Germany because he was a "coward." Hearsay...

Books by Ferenc Körmendi


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