sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010

Morre J.D. Salinger, autor de O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio



Vermelho - 28 de Janeiro de 2010 - 16h45.

O escritor J.D. Salinger morreu aos 91 anos, "de causas naturais", em sua casa em New Hampshire, nos EUA. Recluso havia muitos anos, o escritor não dava entrevistas desde 1980 nem se deixava fotografar. O seu livro mais conhecido, "O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio", foi lançado em 1951, quando ele tinha 32 anos.


O personagem principal do livro, o adolescente Holden Caufield, se tornou símbolo da geração de jovens do pós-guerra.  A obra foi um sucesso mundial, e vendeu mais de 60 milhões de cópias em todo o globo.
O anúncio da morte foi feito pelo filho do autor, a partir de um comunicado emitido pelo representante literário de Salinger, nesta quinta-feira.
Quatro décadas sem publicar
Jerome David Salinger completou 91 anos no último dia 1º. Ele estava sem publicar um trabalho havia mais de quatro décadas.  "Amo escrever", disse Salinger em 1974, em uma de suas raras entrevistas, ao jornal "The New York Times". "Mas, só escrevo para mim mesmo e para o meu prazer."  O último trabalho literário publicado assinado por ele foi "Hapworth 16, 1924", em junho de 1965.
O autor, filho de um judeu importador de queijos kosher e de uma escocesa-irlandesa que se converteu ao judaísmo, cresceu em um apartamento da Park Avenue, em Manhattan, estudou durante três anos na Academia Militar de Valley Forge e em 1939, pouco antes de ser enviado à guerra, estudou contos na Universidade de Columbia.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial ele se alistou na infantaria, e esteve envolvido com a invasão da Normandia. Os companheiros de exército de Salinger o consideravam corajoso, um verdadeiro herói.
Em relação a outros escritores, Salinger classificava Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), que conheceu em Paris, e John Steinbeck (1902-1968) como de segunda categoria, mas expressou sua admiração por Herman Melville (1819-1891).
Em 1945, Salinger casou-se com uma médica francesa chamada Sylvia, de quem se divorciou e, em 1955, casou-se com Claire Douglas, união que também terminou em divórcio em 1967, quando se acentuou a reclusão do escritor em seu mundo privado e seu interesse pelo budismo zen.
Os primeiros contos de Salinger foram publicados em revistas como "Story", "Saturday Evening Post", "Esquire" e "The New Yorker" na década de 1940, e o primeiro romance "O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio" transformou-se imediatamente em sucesso e lhe consagrou aos olhos da crítica internacional.
Os outros livros dele editados no Brasil são as coleções de contos "Nove Histórias" e "Franny & Zooey" e dois pequenos romances de "Carpinteiros, Levantai Bem Alto a Cumeeira e Seymour - Uma Introdução".
Muitas das histórias reunidas nessas obras tem como personagens centrais a família Glass, cujos filhos foram crianças prodígios e os pais, artistas. A fama, no entanto, provocou em Salinger a aversão à vida pública.
Fonte: Folha Online
  • Prenúncios

    29/01/2010 11h29 Um dia especial para peixes-banana. Leitor iniciante, entendi o Apanhador como uma desesperada crítica ao american way of life, em que o jovem, pobre, e talentoso escritor/personagem, por falta de identificação social, de relações de confiança no mundo que o cerca, acaba por isolar-se e desfazer-se.
    Ana Pontes
    Rio de Janeiro - RJ
  • Aspectos da obra de J. Salinger

    29/01/2010 2h00
    O falecimento do escritor norte-americano J. D. Salinger, cujo livro tornou-se um dos mais vendidos best-sellers do pós-guerra merece uma crítica literária pós-século XX. Em primeiro lugar, o título da obra " O apanhador no campo de centeio ", em inglês, The catcher in the rye, cuja tradução correta seria coletor, ou caçador, ou seja, por se tratar de um militar, imperialista, a lógica do autor não indica que ele esteja escrevendo sobre um camponês que faz uma colheita de trigo ou centeio num campo, mas de um predador, algo relacionado à morte com gadanho, talvez por causa de sua participação na segunda guerra imperialista mundial de rapina na condição de soldado, foi caça e caçador, a obra mal traduzida para o português revestiu-se de simbolismo. O desprezo dele por Hemingway e Steinbeck demonstra a prepotência e a arrogância de um intelectual burguês, imperialista e neoliberal, individualista. Ler a obra de Salinger traduzida e o original nos dá a dimensão real, da má tradução.
    Luzardo Bins Cardoso
    Porto Alegre - RS

J(erome D(avid) Salinger (1919-2010)

American novelist and short story writer. Salinger published one novel and several short story collections between 1948-59. His best-known work is THE CATCHER IN THE RYE (1951), a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York.
"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though." (Holden Caulfied in The Catcher in the Rye)
J.D. Salinger was born and grew up in the fashionable apartment district of Manhattan, New York. He was the son of a prosperous Jewish importer of Kosher cheese and his Scotch-Irish wife. In his childhood the young Jerome was called Sonny. The family had a beautiful apartment on Park Avenue. After restless studies in prep schools, he was sent to Valley Forge Military Academy (1934-36), which he attended briefly. His friends from this period remember his sarcastic wit. In 1937 when he was eighteen and nineteen, Salinger spent five months in Europe. From 1937 to 1938 he studied at Ursinus College and New York University. He fell in love with Oona O'Neill, wrote her letters almost daily, and was later shocked when she married Charles Chaplin, who was much older than she. 
In 1939 Salinger took a class in short story writing at Columbia University under Whit Burnett, founder-editor of the Story Magazine. During World War II he was drafted into the infantry and was involved in the invasion of Normandy. Salinger's comrades considered him very brave, a genuine hero. During the first months in Europe Salinger managed to write stories and in Paris meet Ernest Hemingway. He was also involved in one of the bloodiest episodes of the war in Hürtgenwald, a useless battle, where he witnessed the horrors of war. 
In his celebrated story 'For Esmé – With Love and Squalor' Salinger depicted a fatigued American soldier. He starts a correspondence with a thirteen-year-old British girl, which helps him to get a grip of life again. Salinger himself was hospitalized for stress according to his biographer Ian Hamilton. After serving in the Army Signal Corps and Counter-Intelligence Corps from 1942 to 1946, he devoted himself to writing. He played poker with other aspiring writers, but was considered a sour character who won all the time. He considered Hemingway and Steinbeck second rate writers but praised Melville. In 1945 Salinger married a French woman named Sylvia – she was a doctor. They were later divorced and in 1955 Salinger married Claire Douglas, the daughter of the British art critic Robert Langton Douglas. The marriage ended in divorce in 1967, when Salinger's retreat into his private world and Zen Buddhism only increased. 
Salinger's early short stories appeared in such magazines as Story, where his first story was published in 1940, Saturday Evening Post and Esquire, and then in the New Yorker, which published almost all of his later texts. In 1948 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish' appeared, which introduced Seymour Glass, who commits suicide. It was the earliest reference to the Glass family, whose stories would go on to form the main corpus of his writing. The 'Glass cycle' continued in the collections FRANNY AND ZOOEY (1961), RAISE HIGH THE ROOF BEAM, CARPENTERS (1963) and SEYMOUR: AN INTRODUCTION (1963). Several of the stories are narrated by Buddy Glass. 'Hapworth 16, 1924' is written in the form of a letter from summer camp, in which the seven-year-old Seymour draws a portrait of him and his younger brother Buddy. "When I look back, listen back, over the half-dozen or slightly more original poets we've had in America, as well as the numerous talented eccentric poets and – in modern times, especially – the many gifted style deviates, I feel something close to a conviction that we have only three or four very nearly nonexpendable poets, and I think Seymour will eventually stand with those few." (from Seymour, An Introduction
Twenty stories published in Collier's, Saturday Evening Post, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, and the New Yorker between 1941 and 1948 appeared in a pirated edition in 1974, THE COMPLETE UNCOLLECTED STORIES OF J.D. SALINGER (2 vols.). Many of them reflect Salinger's own service in the army. Later Salinger adopted Hindu-Buddhist influences. He became an ardent devotee of The Gospels of Sri Ramakrishna, a study of Hindu mysticism, which was translated into English by Swami Nikhilananda and Joseph Campbell.
Salinger's first novel, The Catcher in the Rye, became immediately a Book-of-the-Month Club selection and won huge international acclaim. It sells still some 250 000 copies annually. Salinger did not do much to help publicity, and asked that his photograph should not be used in connection with the book. Later he turned down requests for movie adaptations of the book. 
The first reviews of the work were mixed, although most critics considered it brilliant. The novel took its title from a line by Robert Burns, in which the protagonist Holden Caulfied misquoting it sees himself as a 'catcher in the rye' who must keep the world's children from falling off 'some crazy cliff'. The story is written in a monologue and in lively slang. The 16-year old restless hero – as Salinger was in his youth – runs away from school during his Christmas break to New York to find himself and lose his virginity. He spends an evening going to nightclubs, has an unsuccessful encounter with a prostitute, and the next day meets an old girlfriend. After getting drunk he sneaks home. Holden's former schoolteacher makes homosexual advances to him. He meets his sister to tell her that he is leaving home and has a nervous breakdown. The humor of the novel places it in the tradition of Mark Twain's classical works, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but its world-view is more disillusioned. Holden describes everything as 'phoney' and is constantly in search of sincerity. Holden represents the early hero of adolescent angst, but full of life, he is the great literary opposite of Goethe's young Werther. 
From time to time rumors spread that Salinger will publish another novel, or that he is publishing his work under a pseudonym, perhaps such as Thomas Pynchon. "Yet a real artist, I've noticed, will survive anything. (Even praise, I happily suspect.)," Salinger wrote in Seymour – An Introduction. From the late 60's he avoided publicity. Journalists assumed, that because he didn't give interviews, he had something to hide. In 1961 Time Magazine sent a team of reporters to investigate his private life. "I like to write. I love to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure," said Salinger in 1974 to a New York Times correspondent. However, according to Joyce Maynard, who was close to the author for a long time from the 1970s, Salinger continued to write, but nobody was allowed to see the work. Maynard was eighteen when she received a letter from the author, and after an intense correspondence she moved in with him. 
Ian Hamilton's unauthorized biography of Salinger was rewritten, when the author did not accept extensive quoting of his personal letters. The new version, In Search of J.D. Salinger, appeared in 1988. In 1992 a fire broke out in Salinger's Cornish house, but he managed to flee from the reporters who saw an opportunity to interview him. Since the late 80s Salinger was married to Colleen O'Neill. Maynard's story of her relationship with Salinger, At Home in the World, appeared in October 1998. Salinger broke his silence through his lawyers in 2009, when they launceh a legal action to stop the publication of an unauthorised sequel to the Caulfield's story, entitled 60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye released in Britain under the pseudonym John David California. The 33-year-old Swedish writer, Fredrik Colting, has earlier published humor books. Salinger died at his home on January 27, 2010.
For further reading: J.D. Salinger and the Critics, ed. by William F. Belcher and James E. Lee (1962); Salinger: A Critical and Personal Portrait, ed. by Henry A. Grunwald (1962); J.D. Salinger by Warren French (1963, 1976); 'If You Really Want to Know': A Catcher Casebook, ed. by Malcolm M. Marsden (1963); J.D. Salinger by James E. Miller, Jr. (1965); J.D. Salinger by J. Lundquist (1979); Salinger: Modern Critical Views, ed. by H. Bloom (1987); In Search of J.D. Salinger by Ian Hamilton (1988); World Authors 1900-1950, ed. by Martin Seymour-Smith and Andrew C. Kimmens (1996); Cult Fiction by Andrew Calcutt and Richard Shepard (1998); Dream Catcher by Margaret Ann Salinger (2000) - For further information: News and Reviews from the Archives of The New York Times; Reviews of Dream Catcher by Margaret Salinger; J.D. Salinger - salinger.org - Film adaptations: My Foolish Heart (1949), story J.D. Salinger, script Julius J. and Philip G. Epstein, dir. Mark Robson. - When the director Elia Kazan asked for permission to produce The Catcher in the Rye on Broadway, Salinger replied: 'I cannot give my permission. I fear Holden wouldn't like it.'
Selected bibliography:
  • The Catcher in the Rye, 1951 - Sieppari ruispellossa (transl. into Finnish by Pentti Saarikoski, 1951; Arto Schroderus, 2004)
  • Nine Stories, 1953 (contains A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, Just Before the War with the Eskimos, The Laughing Man, Down at the Dinghy, For Esmé - with Love and Squalor, Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes, De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period, Teddy) - Yhdeksän kertomusta (transl. Marjatta Kapari & Kristiina Kivivuori, 1966) - films: My Foolish Heart (Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut), 1949, prod. The Samuel Goldwyn Company, dir. by Mark Robson, screenplay by Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, starring Dana Andrews, Susan Hayward, Kent Smith; Un Día perfecto para el pez plátano, 2002 (short film), prod. Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión (Cuba), dir. Leandro Martínez Cubela
  • Franny and Zooey, 1961 - Franny ja Zooey (tr. by Pentti Saarikoski, 1962) - film: Pari, 1995, dir. Dariush Mehrjui, starring Niki Karimi, Ali Mosaffa, Khosro Shakibai, Melika Sharifinia
  • Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction, 1963
Some rights reserved Petri Liukkonen (author) & Ari Pesonen. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto 2008
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O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio - J. D. Salinger



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