sábado, 10 de março de 2012

Raymond Chandler - The Unknown Love

    When the evening sun is slanting,
    When the crickets raise their chanting,
  And the dewdrops lie a-twinkling on the grass,
    As I climb the pathway slowly,
    With a mien half proud, half lowly,
  O'er the ground your feet have trod I gently pass.
    Round the empty house I wander,
    Where the ivy now is fonder
  Of your memory than those long gone away;
    And I feel a sweet affection
    For the plant that lends protection
  To the window whence you looked on me that day.
    Was it love or recognition,
    When you stormed my weak position
  And made prisoner my heart for evermore?
    For I felt I long had known you,
    That I'd knelt before the throne you
  Graced in Pharaoh's days or centuries before.
    Though your face from me was hidden,
    Yet the balm was not forbidden
  On your coffin just to see the wreath I sent.
    Though no word had passed between us,
    Yet I felt that God had seen us
  And had joined your heart to mine e'en as you went.
    Let them talk of love and marriage,
    Honeymoon and bridal carriage,
  And the glitter of a wedding   la mode!
     Could they understand the union
     Of two hearts in dear communion
  Who were strangers in the world of flesh and blood?
    In my eyes the tears are welling
    As I stand before your dwelling,
  In my pilgrimage to where you lived, my fair.
    And ere I return to duty
    In this world of weary beauty,
  To the stillness of the night I breathe my prayer:
    When the last great trump has sounded,
    When life's barque the point has rounded,
  When the wheel of human progress is at rest,
    My beloved, may I meet you,
    With a lover's kiss to greet you,
  Where you wait me in the gardens of the blest!
                       R. T. CHANDLER.



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"O trabalho é mais importante e é independente do capital. O capital é apenas o fruto do trabalho, e não existiria sem ele. O trabalho é superior ao capital e merece a consideração mais elevada." (Lincoln, Presidente dos EUA)